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Enabling as many people as possible to use this website

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Section 1 - About You
  1. Please select your gender

  2. Please select your age group

  3. Do you have any impairments yourself?

Section 2 - Navigating the Web Site
  1. We would like to know how easy you found being able to navigate your way around the web pages of this web site?

  2. Were there any particular web pages you found difficult to access?

Section 3 - The accessibility Toolbar

Each of these questions are about the different features that are on the toolbar.

  1. Choose a different fontWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to choose and use a different font.

  2. Choose different letter spacingWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to choose and use different letter spacing.

  3. Choose different line heightsWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to choose and use different line heights.

  4. Choose different font sizesWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to choose and use different font sizes.

  5. Highlight page linksWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to highlight links within the web page.

  6. Choose different colour schemesWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to choose different colour schemes for the web pages.

  7. Turn images on or offWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to turn images off or on.

  8. Use the screen rulerWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to use the screen ruler.

  9. Use the screen maskWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to use the screen mask.

  10. Understand the ToolbarDid you find the features on the toolbar easy to understand?

  11. Additional features

Section 4 - Any other comments

Thank you for your time to answer the questions on this questionnaire.

digital accessibility the Key to open doors.png

"When you open a door for others, you sometimes open doors for yourself."

- Donald L. Hicks

Whether you run a large cooperation or a start up business, a third sector or public sector organisation, everyone should be able to access your information, services and resources.

Sadly businesses and organisations unknowingly exclude millions of people every single day from using their website or mobile app and potential employees from using their internal software applications.

Why? Because they don’t provide the necessary digital tools.

What comes to mind when you come across the term digital accessibility?

Man frustrated with his laptop puts his hands on his head

You may think it is to assist disabled people or people with certain impairments and you would be correct, but what you might not know is digital accessibility can actually benefit everyone.

Did you know it is estimated around 16 million, almost a quarter of the UK population are disabled and over three quarters have a hidden disability, a condition not immediately obvious to others. 

Barriers are often created without even realising it. You wouldn’t place a sign saying, “We are not disabled friendly” on your shop door, office entrance or job posting, would you? Yet, sadly many disabled people encounter this when trying to access a website, mobile app or applying for a job requiring them to use internal software applications.

Digital accessibility ensures no one is excluded. It allows more people to access and engage with websites, mobile apps or other software applications, providing equal opportunities for everyone.

It doesn't affect how your website, mobile app or internal software looks or runs. Users selecting digital accessibility features only alters how content looks on their device or an employees user profile, it stays exactly the same for everyone else.

Essential for some but useful for all. Digital accessibility can enhance the user experience for everyone. For instance, individuals living in rural areas or those with lower incomes and limited internet access would benefit from the being able to disable video’s or images, as it can improve website loading times. 

The benefits of digital accessibility aren't always apparent. You may be surprised how helpful it can be.

How many people are you missing out on who could have signed up for your services, or been a new customer or client?

Just think! You could have missed out on a talented employee with the exact skills you were looking for.

Next time you grab a cuppa why not take a few minutes to watch the Web Accessibility Perspectives video from the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)

It may have been made several years ago but it will definitely make you think! 

All Digital accessibility you get here will always be up to date to meet the latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) set by the WAI.

Whatever your premises whether this is an office, shop, college, restaurant or hotel you will be able to make it accessible by installing a ramp and disabled toilets. You can widen doorways, keep corridors clear of obstructions and provide plenty of natural light and furnishing it with pleasant neutral decor and noise-reducing carpets.

But can the same be said about your digital software?

How inclusive is your website, mobile app and internal software applications?

Making digital content accessible for everyone isn’t just the right thing to do, it can provide many benefits for you, in more ways than you might think.

You’d be surprised what it does behind the scenes without you even knowing.

Increase turnover

By not providing adequate digital accessibility tools, you risk excluding nearly a quarter of the UK population, which means you could be missing out on a potential twenty five percent boost in profits, donations, or sign-ups.

Incorporating digital accessibility tools enhances the overall user experience for all users, not just those with specific needs and shows your audience that you are socially responsible.

And as people tend to like good strong ethical values, they are more likely to buy from you, do business with you, partner with you or sign up for your services, leading to an increase in profits, donations and sign-ups.

Enhance brand reputation

First impressions count and your website or mobile app is often the first place people will have come across your brand. 

When you provide digital accessibility it can significantly enhance your brand's reputation. It shows your audience that you committed to operating in a way that is inclusive, that you value diversity and provide equal opportunities for all.

You will be seen as forward-thinking, ethical, and prioritise the needs and satisfaction of your customers which will not only strengthen how your brand is perceived but it will differentiate you from competitors who don’t provide this.

Enhance your marketing strategy

In today’s digital age most businesses and organisations will probably use digital marketing as a cost effective way to connect with their audience.

Providing digital accessibility can expand your reach further. When content is more accessible it enables you to tap into a larger and often overlooked market. Plus enhancing the user experience for all can lead to more recommendations and people posting about you on social media. 

Word-of-mouth marketing is often an underestimated but highly effective way to increase sales or donations, attract more customers, and enhance your reputation without having to spend a penny from your marketing budget.

Instantly boost your SEO

Digital accessibility will attract more visitors increasing organic traffic to your site which plays a large role in Google's and other search engines ranking process.

Including subtitles, captions or transcripts on your videos tend to generate back links, helping you rank higher. Title tags, page titles and sub-headings used to accommodate screen readers and other assistive technologies provide relevant SEO keywords. And providing alternative text used to describe an image on a page helps search engines index images on your site. 

All of these elements make your site more visible and are also an influential factor in the ranking process.

Enhance recruitment

Digital accessibility ensures the job vacancy page on your website or mobile app is accessible for more people, helping you reach a much wider audience and a more diverse talent pool of people.

Prospective employees will be able to easily navigate your site, explore your company, understand the skills you're seeking and see that any internal software applications are fully accessible.

Applicants would feel welcome because they can easily access information and access any necessary tools to assist them completing any online forms.

You would also play a crucial part helping disabled people get back into the workplace.

Happier employees

Providing digital accessibility doesn't only remove barriers for a disabled employee but will benefit everyone. 

It ensures everyone can easily access the tools they need to succeed and be the best they can be, whether they are working in the office, at home or on the road.

When integrated into internal software applications it helps prevent discrimination, creates an inclusive workplace and provides equal opportunities for everyone. 

You will create a happier workforce and a better workplace for everyone, resulting in increased productivity and staff moral.

Having digital accessibility is not just the right thing to do, it's a smart business move too.

When it comes to having digital accessibility, what are my options?

IT consultancy

Benefit from IT consultancy where one of our experts will go through your software and give advice on how you can make it more accessible.

Tailor-made website and template website with the option of a customised digital accessibility toolbar

Take advantage of a tailor-made website designed and developed with digital accessibility built in from the ground up. Plus it comes with a custom digital accessibility toolbar that matches your brand and includes an accessibility statement.

Bolt on website digital accessibility toolbar

Already have a website? Extend your reach with a customised digital accessibility toolbar that will seamlessly bolt onto your existing website and match your brand.

Internal software developed with digital accessibility

Do you or a member of your team have a disability or impairment? Are you looking for employees and want to open more doors to a larger more diverse talent pool?

Be more inclusive with tailor-made internal software developed with digital accessibility options. This ensure everyone is able to use it and it is fully adaptable so you can add or remove features as and when you require.

All these digital accessibility options comply with the latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) set by the WAI.

You will also receive a monthly report to keep you updated about changes that have been made. 

All digital accessibility options can be purchased using a subscription service