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Enabling as many people as possible to use this website

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Section 1 - About You
  1. Please select your gender

  2. Please select your age group

  3. Do you have any impairments yourself?

Section 2 - Navigating the Web Site
  1. We would like to know how easy you found being able to navigate your way around the web pages of this web site?

  2. Were there any particular web pages you found difficult to access?

Section 3 - The accessibility Toolbar

Each of these questions are about the different features that are on the toolbar.

  1. Choose a different fontWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to choose and use a different font.

  2. Choose different letter spacingWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to choose and use different letter spacing.

  3. Choose different line heightsWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to choose and use different line heights.

  4. Choose different font sizesWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to choose and use different font sizes.

  5. Highlight page linksWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to highlight links within the web page.

  6. Choose different colour schemesWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to choose different colour schemes for the web pages.

  7. Turn images on or offWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to turn images off or on.

  8. Use the screen rulerWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to use the screen ruler.

  9. Use the screen maskWe would like to know how helpful you found being able to use the screen mask.

  10. Understand the ToolbarDid you find the features on the toolbar easy to understand?

  11. Additional features

Section 4 - Any other comments

Thank you for your time to answer the questions on this questionnaire.

moth blending in with its surroundings.png

“The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don't really even notice it, so it's part of everyday life”.

- Bill Gates, Co-founder of Microsoft

Our Vision:

We envision a world where every business and organisation has access to premium tailor-made software helping them maximise their potential and achieve their goals. Whether it’s a website, mobile app or internal software application we see every customer, client, service user and employee being able to interact and benefit from using them.

We see a future where we have played a part in helping to achieve this; which is why our software goes beyond writing code.

Our Mission is:

To transform lives by creating innovative, user-friendly, ethical, and affordable software, where there are no barriers, no limitations and no exclusions.

We can, You can, Everyone can!

Our Values

Our core values are at the centre of every decision we make and every action we take. 

We highly value our clients and our employees, have deep admiration for those helping to drive technological progress and will always remain mindful of the diversity of the many people who will be using it.

RESPECT is at the heart of our mission and drives everything we do.


We understand how frustrating it must be when software doesn't perform as people need it to and why many tolerate it as they don’t know where to start, have limited time to search or are unsure what they want. 

This is where we can help. Our team of experts have extensive knowledge in this area and will explore multiple options with you, ensuring we deliver software that is the perfect fit and provides the most value for you.


We take a holistic viewpoint on every software project. We take into account who will be using it, where it will be used, how it will be used, when it will be used, will it impact customers, the general public and more. By looking at a wider picture we can ensure a more accurate fit. It can also reveal hidden opportunities and prevent potential problems further down the line.


Our diverse team collaborates on every project, leveraging a wide range of talents, ideas, and experiences to create uniquely tailored software solutions. Plus we custom build all our software so each component is able to interconnect with each other, so if additional software services are required later on they can be seamless integrated without any down time to existing software.


In an ever evolving digital landscape expecting one-size-fits-all software to suit everyone's needs is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. We take a pragmatic approach as we recognise every organisation has unique requirements. Blending innovation with practicality our software is always the perfect fit and will evolve to respond to challenges and new opportunities.


We treat others as we wish to be treated. Actively listening to our clients enables us to see things from their perspective and we imagine ourselves in their position, to better understand their needs, concerns and any pain points.

We are mindful of their employees, and those who will be using their services and are aware that technical terms can be confusing so provide information about what we will deliver in a way they can understand.


In a digital world where technology is constantly evolving we believe everyone should be able to use and interact with all our software; whatever their language or ability, and are very proud to provide digital accessibility and language translation services. 

We also advocate for greater awareness around this to show how invaluable these services are for many individuals and the significant impact it can have when these services are not available.


One of our greatest attributes is our integrity, it is the foundation we stand on. We behave ethically and have strong moral principles. Whether it’s a client, the general public or a member of our own team, we communicate honestly and openly. We are fully accountable for all we do and don’t make promises we can’t keep. We say what we do and stand by what we say.

"It takes each of us to make a difference for all of us."
- Jackie Mutcheson